Adopted: November 2021


RUWW-GHANA we are a Non-profit, non-political, non-ethnic and women’s rights organization based in northern Ghana. We have regional offices in Tamale, Northern region’s capital and in Wa, the Upper West regional capital. We work to find lasting solutions to the problem of gender inequalities which has historical antecedence and which has led to tremendous suffering by women in the northern sector of Ghana and Ghana as a whole.  

Our vision is to become the most preferred partner Non-governmental women’s rights organization in Africa. As an organization that has presence in more than one region and hopes to expand, we cherish the values of: mutual co-operation between rural and urban women, support the empowerment of women, strategic alliance and partnership, gender equity, promote sustainable development, support the course of children’s rights, respect for human rights and dignity, transparency and accountability as well as respect and celebrate diversity of opinions.

RUWA-GHANA shares the same values with the communities in which we operate and for that matter the communities accept us and we therefore have their mandates. The organization uses the bottom up approach in all the development interventions it initiates and implements in communities.  It is own by the women groups in the communities who take key decisions in their Annual General Meetings for the strategic direction of the organisation.

Together with the women in the communities (both rural and urban) we are working towards achieving our mission of improving the situation of rural and urban women of northern Ghana and their families by assisting them to unite and work together through economic empowerment, health interventions and good governance. We want to see a largely patriarchal northern Ghana devoid of discrimination against women and girl children, where men, boy, women and girls live with dignity, have access to basic necessities such food, education, security, clothing and shelter.

To you as an individual this Code of Conduct will help you and provide you with guidance to live by the shared values of RUWA-GHANA and the communities in the face of ethical dilemmas you may experience. It shows you what to do when a situation is complex by providing standards and values for you to follow and how to protect against situations that may damage you or RUWA-GHANA. It also seeks to ensure that employees avoid using possible unequal power relationships for their own benefit.

The rules and guidelines contained in this Code of Conduct, together with your employing affiliate’s policies and procedures and the terms and conditions of your employment (as outlined in your employment contract or your collective agreement if applicable), provides a framework within which all RUWA-GHANA employees, regardless of location, undertake to discharge their duties and to regulate their conduct.

They also support RUWA-GHANA in our role in implementing, monitoring and enforcing these standards.

The Code does not exempt anyone and in accordance with relevant employing affiliate’s policies and procedures, any breach may result in disciplinary action (including dismissal in some instances), and in some cases, could lead to criminal prosecution.

In accepting your appointment, you undertake to discharge your duties and to regulate your conduct in accordance with the requirements of this Code, thereby contributing to RUWA-GHANA’s quality of performance and reputation. The code describes what RUWA-GHANA expects from its employees and what the employees can expect from it.

Whilst recognising that local laws and cultures differ considerably from one region to another and in fact from one country to another, RUWA-GHANA as a National NGO which deals with people across regions of Ghana and even with nationals of other countries has developed the Code of Conduct to meet national and International and standards.

Code of Conduct: Standards and Values

As a RUWA-GHANA employee, I will:

1. Uphold the integrity and reputation of RUWA-GHANA by ensuring that my professional and personal conduct is demonstrably consistent with values and standards of RUWA-GHANA.

I will seek to maintain and enhance public confidence in RUWA-GHANA by being accountable for the professional and personal actions I take and ensuring that I manage the power that comes with my RUWA-GHANA position with appropriate restraint.

Whilst observing the requirements of the Code of Conduct, I will also be sensitive to, and respectful of, local customs and culture, even if the norms and values in that cultural context differ from the Code of Conduct. I will if necessary seek (and will receive) support and advice from RUWA-GHANA.

I will not work under the influence of alcohol or use, or be in possession of, illegal substances on RUWA-GHANA premises, vehicles or accommodation.

2. Treat all people with respect and dignity and challenge any form of harassment, discrimination, intimidation, exploitation or abuse.

RUWA-GHANA staff hold a privileged position of power and trust in relation to our partners and the communities that we come from and serve. When carrying out RUWA-GHANA’s mission I understand that it is important not to abuse my own position of power/unequal power relationships in any way.

Recognising my role in RUWA-GHANA’s mission to challenge injustice and poverty, I will respect all peoples’ rights, including children’s rights, and I will contribute to a working environment characterised by mutual respect, integrity, dignity and non-discrimination.

I will ensure that my relationships and behaviour are not exploitative, abusive or corrupt in any way, and I will not engage in any form of sexual abuse or exploitation of any persons of any age.

In line with international standards I will not have sexual relations with children (defined as under 18 years old) or with beneficiaries (in exchange for assistance or any other reason) recognising the inherent unequal power dynamics involved, and that such behaviours can undermine the integrity and credibility of RUWA-GHANA’s work;

I will also not exchange money, offers of employment, employment, goods or services for se

or sexual favours, nor any other forms of humiliating, degrading or exploitative behaviour, understanding that these standards exist to challenge sexually exploitative and abusive behaviour.

I will use my best endeavours to report any such behaviours or malpractice in the workplace by others to my line management or through recognised confidential reporting systems.

3. Perform my duties and conduct my private life in a manner that avoids possible conflicts of interest with the work of RUWA-GHANA.

I will declare any financial, personal, family (or close intimate relationship) interest in matters of official business which may impact on the work of RUWA-GHANA (e.g. contract for goods/services, employment or promotion within RUWA-GHANA, partner organizations, beneficiary groups).

I will advise RUWA-GHANA of any intention to seek a nomination as a prospective candidate or another official role for any political party or public office to clarify whether any conflict, or perceived conflicts, with my duties with RUWA-GHANA may arise.

Even when the giving and acceptance of gifts is normal cultural practice I will reject monetary gifts or inappropriate gifts from governments, beneficiaries, donors, suppliers and other persons, which have been offered to me as a result of my employment with RUWA-GHANA. Where the giving and acceptance of gifts is normal cultural practice, I will ensure that such gifts are within the limits of reasonable judgements and in accordance with procurement policies and I will report gifts to the line management and where appropriate hand them onto RUWA-GHANA.

I will assure that assistance by RUWA-GHANA is not provided in return of any service or favour from others.

I will act against any form of corruption and not offer, promise, give or accept any bribes.

4. Be responsible for the use of information, equipment, money and resources to which I have access by reason of my employment with RUWA-GHANA.

I will use my discretion when handling sensitive or confidential information.

I will seek authorization before communicating externally in RUWA-GHANA’s name and will avoid any unintended detrimental repercussions for me or RUWA-GHANA.

I will appropriately account for all RUWA-GHANA money and property, (e.g. vehicles, office equipment, RUWA-GHANA-provided accommodation, computers including the use of internet, email and intranet).

5. Protect the health, safety, security and welfare of all RUWA-GHANA employees, volunteers and contractors.

I will undertake and act on appropriate risk assessments.

I will comply with local security management guidelines and be pro-active in informing management of any necessary changes to such guidelines.

I will behave in such a way as to avoid any unnecessary risk to the safety, health and welfare of myself and others, including partner organizations and beneficiaries.

6. Promote human rights, protect the environment and oppose criminal or unethical activities.

I will ensure that my conduct is consistent with the human rights framework to which RUWA-GHANA subscribes.

I will use my best endeavours to protect the natural environment and work in a sustainable way.

I will contribute to preventing all forms of criminal or unethical activities.

I will inform RUWA-GHANA of any relevant criminal convictions or charges I have had prior to my employment in which RUWA-GHANA may have a legitimate interest.

I will also notify RUWA-GHANA if I face any criminal charges during my employment that may impede my ability to perform the duties of my position subject to national legislation.

I will adhere to following global policies and procedures (see list below) that support the above Standards:

Child Protection Policy

Security Policy and Local Security Guidelines

Disciplinary Procedures Policy

Anti-Bullying and Harassment Policy

Sexual Diversity and Gender Identity Rights Policy

RUWA-GHANA Health and Safety protocol

RUWA-GHANA Policy on whistle blowing and complaints

Ask your HR department for additional relevant policies at affiliate level.

In accepting my appointment, I undertake to discharge my duties and to regulate my conduct in accordance with the requirements of this Code thereby contributing to RUWA-GHANA’s quality of performance and reputation.


Signature…………………………………………… Date…………………………………………………